Chick Patrol!

We are ready! The nursery brooding pen is ready and so are we!
We should hear some peeping and see some cracking by Monday or Tuesday! Yay! It's been a long 21 days!

Today we finished up work on our Chicks! Close reading activity, with the writing of the facts from the text. They did an awesome job! Once again, they loved the big words which was refelcted in their writing.

We also worked on our Chick Life Cycle Story Sticks, they had so much fun retelling the sequence and added so many cute details to their stories ("chicken's are good mama's because they sit on their eggs").  It's so facinating and delightful to hear their skills at articulating information become so distinctively different than the way they started out a few months ago. I love spring in kindergarten for SO many reasons :o).

Here is the link to my Life Cycle of a Chicken Unit:
Chicken Life Cycle Uncovered! Literacy & Science Activities & Centers


  1. Looks like they had a lot of fun!
    Love Teaching Kids

  2. I love the story sticks idea! I am so amazed by how much your kinders can do! I hatched chicks many years back with my first graders. I remember how much fun it was! ~ Lisa
