Thursday, April 25, 2013

Chick Plan B: Impostors!

Well.... sometimes things just don't go as planned. I have never had this happen (until I wrote about it on a blog - ha) but none of our eggs hatched. (insert sad, sad face here).  The other classes had the same problem. A couple of the classes got a couple of chicks, but not as healthy as ones we've had in the past. So.... our lovely science person from our district brought us some IMPOSTORS to fill in!
I could not bring myself to fib to the kids. They are way too smart, and they would know.
 So they got the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Such is life and nature that sometimes things don't work out the way we expect or want them too, and it's probably for a good reason, though we may never know or understand. They were a little dissappointed, but they really seemed to understand and take it in stride, and when the IMPOSTORS showed up they greeted them happily and we never looked back! Lots of unexpected lessons this year, I choose to see it as a postitive :o)

Today we did our LAST chick activity... pictures are great motivators when it comes to writing! I took pictures of each kiddo with a chick, and today they did their "How to Hatch Chicks" writing. Too cute!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your posts. :) What a great way to take a sad situation and turn it into a life lesson with a bit of fun! Imposters. I love it!
