Friday, January 10, 2014

Parade of the Penguins! Close Reading and Paper Plate Penguins

Penguins! I never get tired of teaching about them because it seems like I always learn something new about them each time! There are so many interesting facts to talk about with penguins that it makes for a great close reading subject which elicits lots of awesome oral language. We worked on my Penguins close read this week, as well as the annotations and a can - have - are chart. It was so much fun and brought out lots of nice writing too! The Penguins passage is included in my Quarter 3 Winter Close Reading Bundle. Today we made the cutest little penguin craft to conclude our fun week of learning about the little critters, all you need is two paper plates, black paint, a bit of orange paper and wiggly eyes. They are all came out so different and cute!

                                Quarter 3 Winter Close Reading Bundle

Here's a cute little video clip about penguins, I love that it shows them walking AND swimming in the water!

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