Holiday Edition Close Reading Annotations & Crafts!

We had so much fun this week with our Reindeer Close Read! There's something about mixing information and fantasy together that is just magical! (This resource was created for BELIEVERS!)
We did the close read activities, annotations, and I added a different little craft this year too.  I found  little white card stock circles at Michael's. They kind of inspired me (because I could use my 50% off coupon, and they saved me time)! I saw the idea on Pinterest, it was a quick, cute and fun little craft! 

We have done lots of close reads now, and it is just so exciting to see the kids start making sense of text, and finding information from it. The term close reading in my classroom has definitely now become a verb! They are doing it!

                    Close Reading For Kindergarten & First Grade: The Holiday Edition

These were some SERIOUS annotations! They LOVED doing this. Amazing how you can engage them even during this crazy time of year when you choose the right content! If you are in need of something to hold their attention and align to the standards this might be for you!